Notarized Translation
“Translation notarization” is a legal act called “certification” by a notary public and is a procedure to confirm the translator’s name of a translation document translated into a foreign language.
Before the “Foreign Language Certified Public Translator” system was established on December 31, 1975, when submitting a Korean document to a foreign country, there was not a person with the legal authority to prove that the translation is not different from the original text after a Korean document has been translating into English or the language of the country concerned, so the notary public confirmed the translator’s signature and name, and issued a certified document stating that “the translator himself confirmed that there is no discrepancy between the translation and the original text” through expediency
(Notaries were allowed to use only the Korean language in their notarized documents, but with the revision of the Notary Public Act on September 14, 1985, they were allowed to write foreign languages together in their notarial documents.)
The notary public does not take responsibility for the difference between the translation and the original text, and the translator takes responsibility for such difference.
Even if the translation is “certified,” the owner of the document requested for translation will eventually be at the disadvantages of wrong translation by an unqualified translator.
Therefore, the translation must be translated by a foreign language Certified Public Translator, and a “translation certificate” proving that there is no difference between the translated text and the original text must be attached.
Notarization of “Certificate of Finance”
A “Certified Public Translator” is the only State-Certified Translator under the Administrative Attorney Act of the Republic of Korea, and is in charge of the following main tasks in accordance with Article 11 of the Administrative Attorney Act and related regulations.
1) Creation and issuance of “certification of certified translation” attached to the translated document with “certificate of translation” equivalent to the notarized translation
2) Creation and issuance of “Certification of a Fact” in relation to business-related facts (e.g.: Guardian’s Power of Attorney, etc.) Registered members of the Korea Association of Transaction Administrative Attorneys provide the following professional translation services quickly and accurately with the best experience and expertise.

Countries that do not use impressions (seals) but use signatures do not issue documents such as “certificate of seal impression”, so a procedure to confirm whom the signature belongs to is necessary. Documents bearing responsibility, such as certificates of finance, must be stamped with a seal in our country as well and attached with a certificate of seal impression. As long as the certificate of finance is signed only, no one can confirm whom it concerns about.
Therefore, in countries that do not use a seal, such as the United States, a notary is required to have an applicant sign in front of a notary instead of a “certificate of seal impression,” and conducts notarization of writing down whom the signature belongs to on the deed. It is not necessary to notarize all of the certificate of finance. Depending on the school, only if there is a notarization column on the finance certificate form or there are instructions to notarize, the financial guarantor must visit the notary public office in person, sign in front of a notary public, and get notarized. Since US consuls are well aware of Korea’s seal certification system, the certificate of finance attached to the visa application can be submitted by stamping the seal of the financial guarantor and attaching the certificate of seal impression.
“Reply to Inquiries Regarding the Validity of Translation Certification” (Act No. 2303-1978, 1987.2.23.).
“Certification of a foreign language translation means that the translator writes that he or she has translated private certificates written in Korean into foreign languages, and signs or seals them in the presence of a notary public, or a notary public confirms that the foreign language translation is truly prepared by the person who translated it, and writes a certified document.”
Professional Translation + Notarized Translation
Translatable languages: : English/Japanese/Chinese/German/Russian/Spanish/Italian/Arabic and other major languages)

Copy of family register, copy of resident registration, proof of employment, proof of career, proof of income amount, proof of tax payment, certified copy of real estate register, charter contract, etc.

Student record, transcript, graduation certificate, enrollment certificate, completion certificate, letter of recommendation, study plan, certificate of finance + visa documents

Resume, self-introduction letter, business performance plan, preparation of prescribed forms, qualification, license, joint research agreement, business license, certified copy of register, articles of incorporation, certificate, registration certificate of each institution, etc.

Copy of family register, copy of resident registration, proof of property, proof of employment, proof of marriage, proof of birth, etc.

Overseas branch and local corporation establishment documents, business plans, proposals, stock options, convertible stocks, telephone bonds, bonds with warrants, etc., power of attorney for various laws, etc.

Documents required for residence certificate, overseas Korean registration certificate, signature certificate, power of attorney, inheritance renunciation, etc.