DTP (editing)

Based on our skilled DTP (editing) technology, we will accommodate the various needs of our customers through sophisticated and systematically edited documents.

In addition to basic word processing, we will provide sophisticated editing documents by utilizing PC and Macintosh expertise suitable for the characteristics of the document, such as multilingual input, editing, design, publication and printing.

Reports, manuals, catalogs, brochures, books, materials for publication and printing, etc.

Tools available

  • Provision of Total Language Solution that is true to its name
    ※ If you inquire about the necessary tools other than the programs below, we will provide you with a solution..

Tools available Characteristics
QuarkXpress An editing-only program that combines word processing, type setting, page layout, and drawing functions into one program
FrameMaker An authoring and publishing solution that combines the simplicity of a word processing program with the powerful function of XML.
PageMaker An ideal page layout program for professionals who want to create high-quality publications such as booklets and newsletters.
Illustrator A vector format program that allows image editing regardless of resolution
Photoshop A program that allows you to freely edit photos or drawings
Indesign A program that allows you to design professional layouts in a faster and more creative way with sophisticated graphics and printing features.
CorelDRAW It is a vector graphics-based program that includes Word, Photoshop, and Illustrator functions, allowing you to draw, edit images, and even edit texts.
Adobe PDF A document creation program that enables free document exchange without worrying about compatibility issues between applications.
MS Word Program for writing documents
Korean HWP Program for writing documents
MS PowerPoint Program used for presentations
MS Excel A program that can handle simple table calculations to complex numerical calculations more conveniently and efficiently

Exceptionally, countries that are consularly confirmed and do not require consular confirmation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade are Brazil (choice among notarization, consular confirmation, or chamber of commerce certification), Taiwan, Egypt (consular confirmation or chamber of commerce certification), Qatar (consular confirmation or chamber of commerce certification) and so on.